Thursday, March 10, 2011

What to Bring to the Hospital for Your Baby’s Birth


I ran across this list the other day whilst I was clearing out my inbox. It’s a list of things I carted to the hospital for Benjamin’s Birth. Carted is the right word too, I waltzed in there with a giant duffle bag o' stuff. This gal don’t pack lightly.

In hindsight, it’s interesting which items were essential (pillows, popsicles) and which could have been left at home (diapers, PJs).

My List

  • Husband [Duh. By far my most important ‘item']
  • Waterbottle [didn’t use, hospital provided a better one]
  • Toiletries
  • Warm socks [didn’t use]
  • Pillows (2) [our midwife recommended bringing our own pillows because the hospital had ones encased in plastic. This actually turned out to be an excellent suggestion]
  • Rice warmer bag [my DIY heat pack. This actually didn’t make it into the bag. oops. Probably wouldn’t have used it anyway]
  • Nursing pads [don’t know why I brought these as my milk didn’t come in for three days]
  • Lanolin cream [love this stuff]
  • Sanitary pads [didn’t use, hospital provided better ones]
  • Nursing bra [didn’t use as I was firmly ensconced in my hospital gown the entire time]
  • Nursing pjs [same explanation as above]
  • Glasses [I never go anywhere overnight without my glasses but I didn’t actually use them]
  • Contact solution/Contact case
  • Ear plugs [These were recommended because of the potential for loud neighbors, I suppose. While we did have a very vocal birth happening next store, I didn’t hear her groans/screams. Myself, I was aiming (and failing) for the Scientology birth. jk]
  • Going Home Clothes [don’t bring regular clothes. Bring maternity clothes. Sad but necessary]
  • Strawberry Popsicles [This was my most frivolous item but I really, really like Dreyer's fruit Bars - the ones with big chunks of real strawberries. I bought them weeks ahead of time and asked Chris to throw them in the freezer bag as we were departing. I chowed down on several before labor became too painful. And then they promptly reappeared a few hours later..but you probably didn't want to know that]

Chris’ List

Chris is my polar opposite, when it comes to packing. His bag was a lean, mean, fightin’ machine. Of course, he was also not the one giving birth. Fewer accessories are required for spectators.

  • Toiletries
  • Change of Clothing
  • Comfortable shoes
  • Snacks [These were originally intended for Chris, but I downed most of them as I got the late-night munchies on our second night]
  • Waterbottle

Benjamin’s List
  • Car Seat [Probably the single most important item]
  • Disposable diapers [didn’t use, hospital provided lots.]
  • Cloth diapers [didn’t use, the hospital had disposables and the cloth didn’t fit him anyway]
  • Diaper covers (2) [see explanation, above]
  • Onsie - newborn (2) [you don’t need this many, but I couldn’t decide on just one]
  • Onsie - Up to 7 lbs size [I almost didn’t bring this one…but it saved our bacon]
  • Receiving Blanket
  • Warm blanket for Car
  • Hat - [He got one in the hospital too]
  • Snapies [didn’t use]
  • Socks [didn’t use these either, as he came home in a onsie with built-in socks]


  • Baby Class Birth book  [didn’t touch, but nice to have, just in case]
  • GH Parking Pass [not necessary as it was a Saturday]
  • GH Booklet and other information
  • Birth Plan [Midwives already had a copy but nice to have a backup]
  • Phone list of people to call [didn’t even break it out, too wrapped up in baby gazing]
  • Camera with card and extra batteries [True to form, I packed two cameras. Just in case]
  • Mp3player with playlists [Regular music and ‘labor’ music]
  • iPad [yay for free wifi. Nice to check email or post to Facebook after the fact]
  • Phone charger

And there you have it, Peeps! Anything that I forgot? Or that you’d have on your list?