I am the proud new owner of a pair of bicycle shoes! I’m very excited and can’t wait for the clips to arrive. I have a sneaking suspicion that my papa was anxious for me to acquire the above-mentioned shoes because he’d very much like for me to participate in the Seattle to Portland (STP) bike race next summer (Approximately 200 miles). This is the very same bike race that he missed this year due to wedding activities. And while this is a very noble sentiment, it should also be taken with a boulder-sized grain of salt. My papa is in excellent shape and routinely enjoys beating the pants off of riders decades younger than himself. He’s currently into day-long century rides (100 miles) and decided to ride the (traditionally) two-day STP in a single day, “just for the fun of it”. This is not exactly my kind of fun. I enjoy casual jaunts into the countryside on the bicycle, taking ample time to enjoy the scenery and stop for a picnic lunch along the way. If I were to undertake such an arduous bicycle journey (such as the STP), I’d need to spend some significant time training this winter and spring. Papa, you’ve piqued my interest; however, let me try out my new shoes for a while (hopefully in a quiet place where nobody will see me falling) and then we’ll see how my prospects look.