I took a quick birthday trip up to Seattle to visit my parents last weekend. It was a whirl-wind trip but we got to visit with lots of old friends and the weather was perfect (a good combo of rain and sun).
To start off: The Bugs (this one was resting on a lily pad at mom and dad's house)
A little out of focus but notice the koi that is cruising by for an inspection.
Papa spotted this lady on her nest. What is she again?This guy was rescued out of the toilet where he faced certain death (I didn't do the resucing. I'm half blind in the morning because I don't have my contacts in so I wouldn't have spotted him) And last but not least, our favorite catch of the weekend, thanks to the eagle eye of Quinton Lewis.
Here are a few photos from the Wooden Boat Show. One of our favorites: Puffin. We had a lovely hike just outside of Cle Elum, Washington. It was a nice 5-mile jaunt up to what would have been a great view, had the weather behaved.
At the top!
A fungus amongus! These pictures are out of order. We actually did the horseback riding first and hiking second. But it's difficult to rearrange photos in blogger so the order will have to remain incorrect.