We just got back from Whidbey Island (Washington) where Greg's girlfriend
Katherine owns a home. Chris' sisters Megan and Alex are starting school at UW next week and it was a nice opportunity to see everyone in the family before the start of a busy fall. Thanks to Greg and Katherine for putting together such a nice vacation, complete with delicious food and a fabulous location. Here are a few quick pictures from the trip; more to follow tomorrow night.

I'm having a difficult time typing because I sliced off a (tiny) portion of my finger this afternoon while getting food ready for our pottery class potluck. I bled gallons. Anyway, my finger is swaddled in bandages and it makes for clumsy keyboard work. For example, whenever I type the letter 'e' (the most common letter in the English alphabet), I get a '3' that goes along with it: e3. So I'll post more pictures of the WA trip tomorrow when I've downgraded to a smalle3r (see! a 3!) bandage.