Went for a short bike ride today north on the Burke
Gilman Trail. I'm feeling rather slow and out of shape. Our bike ride on New Year's Day sent us scurrying to
REI (thank you Megan and Alex!!!!) for some cold weather biking clothes. We are now
equipped with fenders, booties, rain jackets (in loud,
obnoxious colors), and gloves. Not exactly standard fare in
SoCal. However, I've yet to unearth my rowing tights, as evidenced by the pasty, goose-bumped leg shot. They're hiding in the POD. Check out the nifty shoe booties, though.
Stopped in Lake Forest Park to observe a cadre of bald eagles. Perhaps cadre isn't the right word. Flock? Eagles don't seem like the flocking type.

Anyway, there were four eagles that were fishing and making a general fuss above the Lake Forest Park Civic Club.