Hmm, I'm detecting a proboscis theme here. I'll do my best to refrain from posting any more nose pictures. In case you hadn't guessed, more pictures from the National Zoo and a very obliging box turtle.
I have great respect for the sharp end of a turtle. In college I was the lab tech in the behavioral biology lab. I had three turtles under my care, including a rather small and stoic snapping turtle. Now, most northwest folks don't know much about snapping turtles but any southerner worth their salt can tell you that a snapping turtle has a jaw like a steel trap. They'll eat just about anything. I didn't get a picture of the Zoo's snapping turtle so photos of this friendly little box turtle will have to suffice. The Willamette snapper spent most of his time laying in wait for unsuspecting goldfish that would meander by his lair. Judging by the ease at which he snapped them into pieces, I was especially careful when reaching into his den, given that my fingers (short, stubby, and pink) looked rather goldfish-like.