A trip to Sonoma wouldn’t be complete without a winery tour. We took a nice jaunt through the Benziger Family Winery.
On a lark, we hopped aboard their tractor vineyard tour.
This particular winery is a mostly organic operation and it was great fun to stroll through the rows of grapes and explore the wine cave.
A good [exciting] day.
On Sunday morning we woke up early and took a meandering route out to the coast
This was my first time exploring this part of the country
The sun coming up over the hills gave the countryside an ethereal feeling as they were bathed in morning light
It was simply stunning.
We arrived at Point Reyes National Seashore
And did the quick earthquake educational loop before the visitor center opened
Admired the local bug life
And bird life.
He didn't think much of us, evidently.
The park ranger suggested that we hop back into the car and head out to the very northern tip of the park: the elk sanctuary.
It did not disappoint.
Everything was a riot of color. And we saw elk!
Lots 'o elk
Notice that the one on the left has a radio collar and ear tags.
A beautiful hike.
After that, it was time to head back to the hotel, change into our formal duds, and head off to the wedding.