Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Little Monster...Now with matching footwear

We are experiencing serious baby clothing cuteness overload here since Katherine's visit on Friday. She brought down probably the most adorable set of shoes I have ever laid eyes on.

When your baby is a model of decorum, he can wear these 'princely' togs:

Is is wrong that we want to keep the "little monster" permanently on the outside?!

And from Baby J's grandparents:

Dinosaurs! My favorite! Why don't they make baby clothes for grownups? Seriously, I would like a footed onsie. In dino print, please.

Cherie told me that all the clothes she bought in sizes 3-6 months...except for the hat: 6-12 months. 

Which was probably a very good idea.
Especially since we are in the land of the tall people:
It's teeny sock vs. big sock! I love this picture!