Isn’t this the stereotypical new-parent halloween-time post!
A kid’s first visit to a pumpkin patch
Benjamin has been sick as a dog for the past week and a half so we’ve been laying low for a bit. He got everyone else sick too so it’s been lots of tea and hot cocoa for us.
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Not our best picture, for either one of us |
Anyway, yesterday I decided that a long car ride and a bit of fresh air were in order. He is semi-upright in his car seat and I figured that his nose could drain a bit as he napped on our way out. Win-win, in my book. And frankly, there is nothing like a brisk autumn day to get the schnoz running, right? Or maybe that’s just me. Mine goes like a faucet every time I set foot outside.
Funny story: I originally set Benjamin on top of this giant pumpkin for a quick photo op. Dumb, dumb idea.
He slid off right as a group of school children were trundling by on their hay ride. Fortunately, the kiddo thought the whole thing was a lark and was content to fiddle with leaves while I brushed him off. Bad Mother of the Month award on that one.
We swung by the petting zoo after our hayride to check out the chickens,
and met Jose, the donkey.
I’ve never heard a donkey let loose with a wild hee-haw in such close proximity. I tell you, Peeps, Benjamin and I just about jumped out of our skin.
The alpacas were lovely, as always,
although perhaps in need of a bit o’ dental work.
And we liked the sheep best.
Benjamin picked out a white pumpkin. And when I say ‘picked out’, I mean that he drooled on this one. And thus the selection was made.
Ah, the corn maze. 12 acres in the shape of Washington State. We elected to skip it this time around. Did you hear about that couple that got lost in the corn maze and called 9-1-1?
I tell you, Lovelies, occasionally we can have some beautiful fall days around here. I suppose it makes the gloomy ones almost bearable.
How idyllic is this picture? A good ending to a good day. Now if only the darn cold would go away.