Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Latest From The Blog-o-Sphere

Here is my occasional round-up of stuff from the internet:

On the home front, we continue to make [slow] progress on our basement. We’re finishing the framing on the bathroom and installing new light fixtures. Amazon, Home Depot, and UPS love us so much.

How does your cost of living compare to someone’s costs in a different US city? Find out here: Cost of Living Calculator. I’ve already compared our current costs to folks living in NYC, Anchorage, and Orange County. Wish they had international conversions.

Speaking of Anchorage, if you’re planning on visiting anytime soon, a refueling stop at the renown Moose’s Tooth is a must. Excellent pizza and beer (and that’s from a girl that generally doesn’t care for beer). I remember going there the first time I visited AK, back in 2002.

Are you a gal that is planning a week-long backpacking trip to Asia? Or a road trip around the Southwest? Then this ultimate packing list site is for you.

How awesome is this tea infuser? Eh, perhaps not everyone’s cup of tea. ha.

Barf. Taking the disney theme waaay too far.

Changing child car seat recommendations.

Are you a Seattlelite looking for a part-time caregiver? Here is a list of UW students that provide child care, elder care, infant care, and pet care. Some are certified nurses, are studying early childhood education, or speak multiple languages.

Here is a blog written by a Seattle Metro Bus Driver. Witty, colorful, and a fabulous read: The View From Nathan’s Bus. This one was particularly hilarious. [Thanks Rebecca!]

I loved this article. It’s a great country we live in, and although we might not always appreciate the differences, they are also what makes us unique.

Someday, my daughter will say she was there for your inauguration. She might well complain about the hours spent standing in the cold, or the crowds and the lines, but she'll (and we'll) always remember the day we came to see your family. And how, for the first time, we were invited to feel that your house, America's house, is our home, too.

And finally, the Dangers of Being a Newscaster. Some unnamed family members are going to no doubt be chuckling at the penultimate clip. Peace, Sonja