Chris went into work tonight and I spent a great deal of time puttering around the house. And I worked on my drawings. I should explain. Someday I'd really like to build a house using an alternative building method like rammed earth, strawbale, or corn cob. Chris is enthusiastic about the idea, provided that we start with a 'test' structure, like a barn or an outbuilding. So tonight I devised a office/guest quarters/potting shed 'outbuilding'. It's far more grand that I originally planned and probably not what Chris had in mind. But it was fun to mess around with the program. I'm actually not sold on the design; it's a bit stiff. But I probably have 20 years to come up with the final floor plans so I'm not sweating it...
(you can click on the image to enlarge)
This is mostly just fooling around with patterns...
The images are a bit funky because I had to create them in autosketch, transfer them to word, and then transfer them again to photoshop in order to save them as jpegs.
(you can click on the image to enlarge)

The images are a bit funky because I had to create them in autosketch, transfer them to word, and then transfer them again to photoshop in order to save them as jpegs.