Welcome to Belize!
Here are a few pictures from our trip.

The (almost) full cast of characters.

Pepe, the number two hermit crab on the island. Give that winner a kiss.

Good form, papa. That looks like neutral buoyancy for sure.

Ralph. Divemaster.

The remora (aka the sharksucker). I have a video of this that I'll try to post later.

How great is this sign?! So creative.

The wharf at Placencia.

Lots of divers...no whale sharks.

Night Hiking at Cockscomb Nature Preserve.

Caves Branch, Ian Anderson's Lodge

GIANT spider, so big in fact, that it eats fish.

Fertility goddess, caves branch.

On the way to Black Rock Lodge, Cayo District.

Fuzzy. :(

Life is pretty good right now.

Mom's tube decided to deflate halfway down the river.

Going over the falls at Black Rock Lodge.

Bats!! (Of the fruit eating variety). We also saw one vampire bat. Very Cool.

Mercedes, the sneaky horse. She kept turning around to give me the hairy eyeball stare.

So, I seem to attract animals. I shared my bed the first night at Black Rock Lodge with a cute little mouse named Phillip. The second night I went to put on a pair of shorts that I had hung up to dry outside and discovered this guy. Of course, I only found him
after I had put my shorts on. It was a surprising discovery, to say the least.


This is how dad spent most of the trip.

This is me! Look at those buff arms! That girl must have been on the crew team for eight years.

Papa, hanging out on a log.

Oh, how I wish this picture was in focus! It's a rail, right mom?

Black vulture.

The butterfly house at Chaa Creek Lodge. They raised blue morphos,
morpho pleides.

At the Pacific Science Center, we used pins to attach the pupae to the boards. They use tape, which doesn't look as good.

Yep, I like bugs.

Cicada pics. Slightly overexposed but cool nonetheless.

This was called an aquatic toad. Giant.

This, my friends, is the snake that I almost stepped on right outside our cabana. It was at least four feet long!

Karin at Vaca Falls

white hawk (slightly fuzzy. It's hard balancing both the binos and the camera at the same time)


I wonder what type of butterfly this will be...