Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Well, we had a truly spectacular vacation; however, some part of me always looks forward to coming home. We're slowing getting back into the swing of things. Tonight was the first day of classes for Chris so while he was toiling away at business school, the beast and I went for a nice shake-down walk. I missed Bailey. It's so hard to leave him at home; despite our wonderful house sitters. I spent a couple of hours giving him a [badly needed] bath and brush yesterday so he's just gleaming this evening.

On our walk tonight we nearly got run over by a commuter that wasn't paying much attention to the road. We stepped out into the crosswalk and then quickly stopped short as a car drove into the intersection. The woman, making a right-hand turn, was only looking to her left (into on-coming traffic), and failed to look to her right for walkers. She only realized her mistake when I leaned forward to bang on the hood with my hand. She expressed surprise, embarrassment, and fear, the last emotion likely due to the fact that the beast (Bailey) was leaning over the hood of her car and giving her the hairy eyeball. Sometimes it's nice to have a canine the size of a small horse.

In other news, I had my yearly review today. I survived. Actually it went very well; it's nice to work for a company that supports its workers.

Chris and I are both fighting off head colds (too much vacation?) along Chris is faring far worse than I. We're looking forward to making it through the week.

Happy Almost-Birthday to my darling Mama. I promise I won't forget this year. I have your present but it'll have to wait till July so I can give it to you in person.