Here are some pictures from our recent trip to Missoula, Montana. We flew out on Thursday and stayed until Monday night. It was a quick trip - but we're so glad we went. This was the first time that we'd had the entire family together since our Alaskan cruise back in June 2010. Oops. Scratch that. So not true. How could I forget GREG AND KATHERINE'S HAWAIIAN WEDDING? Yup. That was the last time the family was all together. [Sorry, G+K!!]
Montana is gorgeous. Especially this time of year as all the spring flowers are in bloom.
The main reason we were in Montana was to see Chris' sister Alex graduate from college.
Yay for the college graduate!
Photo credit: Not sure what his name was, but he took some great pictures with Alex's camera.
Here are all the sibs. This marks the end of the college years for Team J. I'm kind of bummed about that - it was fun traveling around to see everybody's big day. We had one in Oregon (Chris), one in Alaska (Greg), one in Washington (Megan) and this one in Montana (Alex). Getting our Northwest fix!

And this is how Ben spent his time during the graduation ceremony...
Fortunately he perked up a bit later so we could take photos.
My in-laws rented a house near Rock Creek, about half an hour outside of Missoula and we spent most of our time hanging out at the casa, playing soccer, bbq-ing, and hiking the surrounding hills.
This was good practice for summer hiking season. Time to get in shape!
Greg and Katherine. What a cute couple!
Coming down the mountain.
Ben spent his time perfecting his walking skills and doing his best to steal the footballs and baseballs that we'd left laying 'round the yard.
It's tough going on uneven grass. He had a pretty awesome 'drunken sailor' stagger going on.
Alex and Greg, fisher-people.
We had an exciting little episode when Cherie spotted a brown bear moseying up the hill on the other side of the river from us. Perhaps he had been doing a little fishing as well.
Boo for cameras without zoom lenses.
This is pretty much how Ben's week went:
Step Three: Timberrrrrrrrrr!
Step Four: Did anybody see me walking?! I ROCK!!
Don't even think about it, Baby. Football is NOT YOUR SPORT. [If your mother has any say in the matter]
This is a pretty good description of the weekend:
Photo: Cherie J
And this:
With one Bambino and nine adults, it was clear that Benjamin was in baby heaven. He got so much attention.
With Auntie Alex:
Playin' ball with Eric:
Reading with Auntie Megan:
Playing baseball with Grandpa:
And chillin' with Pops.
It was a nice break for us - to be able to sit back and know that somebody would entertain the baby for a bit.
Photos: Eric S
Can you tell that the Alaskans and Washingtonians loved the sun?!
photo: Alex J
More hiking.
Photos: Cherie J
Ben had better get comfy in his backpack 'cause we have a lot of jaunts planned for this summer. We are so ready for hiking season.
And that, my dears, was our trip.