Friday, November 07, 2014

From the Blog-O-Sphere

Have a great weekend, lovelies. We’re doing some house tasks tomorrow and then having the fam over for dinner. This has been a complicated season for us and our extended family dinners have fallen by the wayside. Time to remedy that.

Our little Em is a crawling & climbing master. Yesterday she was on a mission for food and decided to hike up our stairs in an effort to find me. Slow down, wee little pumpkin, I’m not really for a super-mobile baby.

Here are a few articles from around the internet:

Build A Bear....for millennial women? Why is the child’s store suddenly so popular with the 25-35 set?

Daylight Saving Time seriously sucks. 

Car Talk on NPR. What memories! For me it’s sitting in the kitchen with my dad flipping swedish pancakes, with Click and Clap chatting away on the radio. RIP Tom Magliozzi.

The hilarious [parody] twitter account every parent needs to follow.

Why my grandma never had a pap smear. An article about the work of a friend at PATH, which in conjunction with other non-profits, developed CareHPV, a take-home cervical screening test for rural women in developing countries.

Picture this: A bird lands on a page about itself. Of course it would be a chickadee.

A natural fix for ADHD?

Women with PhDs review Amazon’s ‘sexy PhD’ costume.  "Wow, I think her tenure track is showing," snarked Biochemistry Prof.

Career burnout.

The anti-vaccine movement is forgetting polio. 

Have a great weekend, peeps!

