Friday, January 23, 2015

Crafty Stuff

Over the past three years my craft area has been significantly downsized. Originally I laid claim to the entire upstairs front room. But the need for bedrooms for the babies trumped a crafty space and we moved everything downstairs to a corner of the guest room.  And now we’re in its present incarnation: a single, solitary table set up in the basement great room. 

You could make the case that this decrease in physical size is directly related to the number of minutes currently available in my life allotted to creative projects. 

As in: very, very few.

And I’m slowly becoming ok with the change. Our life, such as it is right now, is busy with kids. And kid stuff. And kid art projects.  Which definitely shouldn’t be confused with adult art projects.

As the children get older there will be more time for messing about with personal craft and sewing  ventures. And then my husband will discover that by giving me a toehold in the downstairs great room, I’m now perfectly set up to take over the entire room. Craft room domination!!

But I’ll bide my time on that one.

Yesterday I appropriated this empty cabinet for my current setup and kitted it out with shelves. Getting crafty with the power tools, baby. 

On a side note, I am actually quite proud of the fact that I know my way around the garage. Need help with your band saw? I’m on it.  Drill? Chop saw? Tile saw? Jigsaw? Multi-master? We have learned so much in this home renovation.  And I haven’t done this much math since college. Quick! What’s 3/8 + 11/16? 

Anyway, back to the shelf:

The table originally belonged to my great grandfather.  So I forgive it that it tilts a bit. We’ll all be caddywhompus when we’re that old.

The machine is out! Ready to sew! Perhaps when both kids are napping! Which happens exactly never.

Speaking of the machine, that wonderful old piece of equipment belonged to Chris’ grandmother and still works like a champ. Still haven’t figured out buttonholes but it has sewed a few beautiful items for me and I’m grateful to have it.

Anyone want to take bets on how long this will stay so nice, pretty and organized? 

Realistically, I’m aiming for a week.

