Sunday, February 28, 2016

News and Reviews


Hope you are having a great weekend. We had some neighbors over for dinner last night and this morning we took a pleasant but soggy hike over at St. Ed's State Park. That's the thing about living in the Pacific Northwest: if you wait for nice weather, you'll never get out.

Here are my little troopers last weekend when we went up for a snowy tromp through the woods at Barclay Lake.

A favorite rainy-weather activity for our family: the zoo. On wet days it's deserted and there are enough indoor exhibits to keep us relatively dry. The tropical jungle exhibit is especially fabulous on cold winter days.

Ben is nurturing his animal obsessions quite nicely. He was content to have a nice little face-off with Barnabas the alligator (Monroe Reptile Zoo) and was loathe to leave.  Emma is content with a quick breeze-through of the exhibits but Ben is happy to hunker down for a long observation session. That's my boy. Naturally, this former zoo-keeper is thrilled to bits.

Here are a few interesting links from the internet this week:

Why is it eleven, twelve, instead of oneteen, twoteen?

Male biology students underestimate their female peers

Having it all kinda sucks

Trouble in paradise. aka Ratty Island

Dog accidentally enters half marathon. (Ok Team J, I'm expecting you to beat this pup's record in a few short months!)

Does money make you mean?

Payback for the assholes

Would you switch seats if a man didn't want to sit next to you because of your gender? Back of the airplane? Oh hell no.

Who is behind one of the biggest scams in history?

Bad American habits I kicked in Finland

Better parenting may kick the poverty-disease connection

