Ben was very involved with the making of his Thor Costume. He begged us to be able to watch Thor:
Ragnarok and we reluctantly agreed, provided it was in broad daylight and we stopped several times to check in with our mini Thor. He loved it. Of course. Sigh.
Anyway, his costume was a hoot. We have a no-weapons policy in our house but bend the rules for Halloween. He challenged everyone to a duel. Come next week the sword is going to 'mysteriously disappear'.
Ben liked this particular version of Thor because his hair was already the right color and length.
Here is the outfit we were trying to replicate, minus the loin cloth and red symbols.

Purists will note that Thor actually didn't have a hammer in the fight scene with Hulk, thanks to Hela's devious shenanigans but we chose to give him both because Hulk without his hammer is a very sad specimen indeed.
Vest and Sword Belt
1-2 yards grey felt (depends on your child's size)
1-2 yard faux leather
1/2 yard red fabric for cape
1/2 yard gold vinyl for decoration
Cotton batting
Scissors, hot glue, velcro,
2 yards webbing for sword holster
4+ Foam sheets
Spray paint (silver)
Spray paint (silver)
Acrylic paint (gold)
Hot glue
3 Florist blocks
Wooden dowel
Hot glue
Spray paint (silver)
The base of the vest is a simple grey felt. I used one of his shirts to trace a pattern on paper and then transferred it to the fabric. The outer breastplate layer is a faux leather with a thick fabric backing that I found at Joann's fabric.
Fabric tunic and side wings attached with hot glue. I did a velcro enclosure on one side for easy donning of outfit.
I used my original tracing paper pattern to trace it again onto the faux leather fabric (left picture). Drawing (and cutting) the front pattern took a few mistakes (which is why some of my lines aren't perfect) (right picture).

After cutting out the fabric strips in the faux leather, I set them over the felt vest and glued them down with hot glue.
I added a small amount of stuffing under each fabric strip to give it some detail - makes it looks a bit more muscle-y. :)
The gold detailing is made from a thick vinyl matte fabric that I got on clearance from Pacific Fabrics. Again, I just glued it down to the vest, anchoring a strip of red fabric for the cape. The red fabric is polyester, but you could probably use almost anything, including standard cotton or felt.
Extra faux leather was used to make his wrist guards along with leather cords. Punch holes with scissors and then just mimic tying shoe laces. The proper Thor didn't wear black long underwear under his getup but then again he wasn't in frigid Seattle, either.
The helmet is made of foam sheets, held with hot glue, and is the exact template that we used for his knight costume. It's an adult size: when Ben was age 5 I reduced the size to 87%; I was a little too optimistic that his head at grown substantially by age 8: 93% was still too big for his little pea-sized noggin. :)
I spray painted the entire thing silver and added the gold detailing by hand. An extra band was required inside to keep it from falling off. You could probably make this look a bit more polished by using a different type of glue but this version suited our purposes just fine.
Thor's hammer is made from three foam florist blocks held together with tape, painted silver, and with an attached wooden dowel for a handle (glued in). It's very lightweight; no concussion if you accidentally get bashed in the head with this version. :)
The bag is made of felt and the gold vinyl. Ben has requested a larger size as he has grand candy aspirations for next year.
The cross-chest sword belt is his favorite accessory. It buckles in the back to accommodate for growing Thors and is constructed of faux leather fabric and straps.
Hulk refused to paint his body or rip his shirt but gleefully got into mock battle mode. :)