Which is a bit of shame, really.
So we’re changing things up around here. Namely, I’ve decided to do a few 8x8 mini trip albums. These are getting added to our stack of baby books and the “Year in Review” series.
Thus far, I’ve done two: Peru and Iceland/Sweden. It’s a slow process though because I wait until Shutterfly has a free album coupon available. You still have to pay s&h so it typically works out to about $8/book.
Here is the latest version:

8x8 isn’t much room to work with and I have a tendency to cram lots of photos onto a single page; it’s my inability to pick just one picture to showcase.
But honestly, it’s the kids that are going to be looking at these albums the most and they like to see pictures of themselves. Even little Emma is obsessed with her own image.

Consequently, I’m ok with a little visual clutter.

I’ve also started including maps in the albums. I paint them first with watercolors and then digitally add in the towns and trip route.
As you can see, I’m not exactly the next Picasso, but it’s a fun little project.
Someday I’d love to take a painting course. Or a sketching class. Wouldn’t that be fun to travel and sketch out town scenes or pyramids?
That won’t be happening anytime soon, but it’s still fun to dream.